Setup - Borrower Credit Collection Option (Stripe)

This choice in the Credit area, provides the option of allowing borrowers to pay for their own credit reports.

Setup Credit start

When this option is selected complete the following steps to setup a Stripe account.

  1. Create a stripe account

  2. Add the company's bank account to the stripe account

  3. Obtain a Publishable and Secret key from account api keys in the dashboard.

  4. Send the Publishable and Secret key and the LoanCatcher℠ tech team by submitting a ticket to the help center to complete the setup.

Create your stripe account screen, email

After the appropriate keys are activated, access the LoanCatcher℠ dashboard and setup the Credit Card Processor card to complete the setup and activate the correct credit reporting fee.

Review Credit Card Processing for additional steps.

Setup is based on company configurations and not all options may be available.